I'm a dog person, but mostly a big dog person. Small dogs, in my experience, are trip hazards and I'm already enough of a klutz. Something about small dogs, though, seems to make pet owners think that the animals are either small children or accessories. They're dressed up in leopard-print dresses, carried around in Louis Vuitton purses, and adorned with blinged-out collars and leashes.
The action that really mystifies me, however, is driving with your small dog in your lap. Would you drive with a toddler in your lap? How is this not dangerous? How can you possibly rationalize this into being a good idea? But taking those questions one step further, what I saw on my drive home from work tonight left me scratching my head and fearing what other indiginities this poor little dog might suffer.
I pulled up behind a minivan that appeared to contain a couple with the woman driving and the man in the passenger seat. I saw a small dog's head appear to the right of the woman's head, and as I rolled closer I was stunned (STUNNED!) to realize that the dog was actually DRAPED AROUND THE WOMAN'S NECK.
I gaped at the sight as the minivan turned onto a side street, and tried to think of a rational reason for the doggie neckwarmer. I'm still trying.
OMG! That is hilarious!
Posted by: dawnmski | October 27, 2008 at 09:23 PM
Y'know, I'm a little disappointed that you didn't follow her home to either (a) ask her WTH she was (not) thinking, or (b) get a picture.
Posted by: Jennifer | October 28, 2008 at 07:12 AM
Heh. Given my utterly unsuccessful attempts to get a photo of the crazy "BP does not buy weapons from Russia to destroy the USA" sign, I'm not so sure a picture would've worked out for me.
I probably should've followed her into Walgreens, though. ;-)
Posted by: stylishboots | October 28, 2008 at 08:11 AM