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March 08, 2011


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I don't recall Jim's (Polish) grandmother ever making paczki! Jim says she used to, but he and I have been together for sixteen years now, and if she has during that time, I don't remember it. I do have the family pierogi - I think I will have to adopt your paczki recipe to go along with it! Would it be totally wrong to do a non-Lenten trial run, since I'm a little late for this year? :-)


There were a handful of times that my mom made them for non-Lenten functions - a "foods of the world" thing for my 6th grade class, an 8th grade graduation treat requested by a friend of the family, and I'm pretty sure one other occasion, too. So I'll allow it. ;-)

Lasik surgery

I make often this kind of paczki as you call them, we say donuts and my family enjoy them every time. We eat with a glass of milk and strawberry jam, sooo delicious.

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