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April 11, 2013


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You know, I bought a pair of NYDJ cords on clearance at Nordstrom several years ago (I spent more on that pair of pants than I had on any other). I had them hemmed, and I wore them well. However, the back pockets blew out, and the corduroy did not wear well. Was this an anomaly? Are they otherwise good pants? Is this why they were on clearance? I LOVED the fit, but did not like the wear.


I've not tried their cords, but I have 2 pairs of jeans & 2 pairs of dress pants, plus my faux leather skinnies (purchased at Boutique Larrieux, on eBay, & at Nordstrom Rack). So far, so good on all of them.

I will say, they don't go in the dryer, other than for a quick de-wrinkling tumble after they've line-dried. I firmly believe that a lot of my clothes last longer this way, so it's worth the extra time & step to me. I also frequently wash pants inside out to protect the finish on them.

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