I don't have children. Without some level of medical intervention, I'm unable to, and The Husband and I have chosen not to pursue those options. So I operate in the world from the perspective of a non-parent when it comes to children. I'm willing to give the benefit of doubt in a lot of public meltdown situations and other disruptive behavior from small children, if it at least appears the parent is trying to handle the situation and is apologetic to the people being disturbed. I mean, kids are people with minds of their own and at young ages, somewhat poor impulse control. So I don't expect the same standard of behavior I'd expect from adults, but I do expect that the adult will coach the child on appropriate behavior when inappropriate behavior occurs, or remove the child from the situation if warranted.
Over the years, I've seen some pretty shocking examples of poor parenting skills, but what I experienced tonight may now be the absolute pinnacle of inattentive, careless, and clueless parenting. I was out with my dad for our annual Christmas shopping trip for my mom's gifts. We were shopping in a large department store at a local mall. A couple with two children came in and began browsing in the same area my dad and I were browsing. The children (two boys, roughly ages 5 and 3) began to chase each other around and between the racks of clothing, shrieking and playing tag. Neither parent commented or attempted to stop the boys. But that was not what astonished me. As my dad and I were examining a blouse and debating whether or not to buy it for my mom, the three year old came up behind me and deliberately punched me in the back of the leg, then stood there looking up at me. I spun around and said, "Hey! Don't do that!" Neither parent acknowledged the child, the behavior, or me. Louder, I said, "You know, I really don't need to be hit by random children in the middle of a department store!" Still no response or acknowledgement. Five minutes later, they herded the children into a different area of the store, never responding to me in any way or admonishing the kids.
So, Clueless Parents, my wish for you is that your children always show you the same courtesy you showed me tonight. Did you think your responsibilities ended with reproduction? Thanks for inflicting your lack of effort and attention on society.